Sunday, January 17, 2010

Smudge, the foster kitty.


Nana and Papa had a late in the season drop off and she has been spending her time at their place instead of the farm since it was so cold. I had a weak moment and said out loud to the girls "Maybe Nana and Papa would let you do foster care for their kitty during their winter stay in Mexico." Not more than a week later, little smudge arrived. She was so good on the car ride home, sat with both girls and didn't make a peep. Awesome, our veteran cat, wasn't too pleased at first, but seems to have given in to her presence. She hasn't gotten into too much trouble, except for climbing the curtains from time to time. The girls have taken care of her for the most part. They are monitoring her food/water/litter, and I've hardly had to step in-that should last about another week, right?! She sleeps with them every night. This picture is right after we got home with her, Lucy crashed and I guess little Smudge knew her place in the household...
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